Maze Changer

Can you find your way through the maze? Can you find the correct path before the maze changes? Maze Changer is a simple first person maze game with a twist. One random maze wall changes every few seconds. As an extra challenge, find the three hidden fogs on each level.
The maze changes as you play
You begin each level at the beginning of a maze. During your attempt to find the exit, random maze blocks will change. You will see a section of the maze rise, turn, then settle back down again. This could block you from your goal, but maybe, it will open up the path to the exit.
Fogs to collect
Each maze has three green fogs to collect. Collect each fog by running into it in the game. The mazes increase is size and complexity the further you go, so the fogs will be harder to find.
24 levels in initial release
The game will start with 24 levels. 24 mazes that increase in size as you progress through the levels. More levels to come in future updates.
Now available on Google Play Store
What about the Apple App Store?
This initial release will be to Google Play only. Maze changer will be available on the Apple App store in the future. A release date will be posted once it is known.