Maze Changer, a first person maze game with a twist, will be released in June 2023
June 23, 2023The game is set to be released on the Google Play store

Maze Changer, a first person maze game with a twist is set to be released to the Google Play Store in June 2023.
Development has been ongoing and is nearing completion. The final setup and submission is all that remaings before it will be available to Android users. The first release will contain 24 mazes that change as you are playing. As you progress through the levels, the mazes will become larger and more challenging.
In addition to finding the exit, players can also collect the green fog found in each maze. There are three to collect in each maze.
Get the game on your android phone below.
Mr Jazz Entertainment also plans to release the game in the Apple app store, however, it will be at a later date.